MediCupping™ Therapy: Deep Tissue Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Detox + Stimulate Collagen Production

Cupping and MediCupping Therapy


Have you ever heard of cupping? It is used nowadays in chiropractic offices, acupuncture spaces, complementary medicine practices, and holistic healing office spaces. You might have seen a round hicky-looking spot on someone’s back or shoulder that looks like they got in a wrestling match with an octopus (we call those cup kisses). This type of therapy dispels the stagnation of blood and Chi (energy), along with external factors that contribute to the weakening of the immune system and imbalance in homeostasis (optimal functioning).


Centuries ago, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, they started by used hollowed-out animal horns to suction out toxins to the surface of the skin. The Egyptians were found to have used cupping to reduce fevers, pain, vertigo, menstruation, digestive complications, and to heal disease. The Greeks eventually began using this type of work, too, along with other cultures throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.

Present-day traditional cupping is performed with glass cups, where smoke is used within the cup to create the suction to the surface layer of the skin. In some settings, the person may be pricked (wet cupping) to literally draw the blood to the surface within the cup. More recent forms of this therapy involve just applying suction to an area in the body with glass cups, plastic, or silicone to draw stagnant blood to just below the surface of the skin, which is found to be just as effective in releasing toxin build-up, scar tissue, lymphatic fluid accumulation, pain, and dis-ease.


This type of cupping helps the body clear out old debris from injuries, chronic conditions, toxin build-up, and pain using a manual vacuum. The use of the suction aids in releasing soft tissue, scars, and restricted fascia. When integrated into a massage session, the massage therapist has the ability to utilize the static suction while performing hands-on work to address specific conditions, such as deeper tissue work, lymphatic drainage, and scar work.

MediCupping™ uses a machine to create the suction and pumping movements that are normally done with manual vacuum pistols or traditional cupping therapy, to create a soothing, consistent, and effective treatment without strain on the therapist or client. Just a brief experience will illustrate the immediate treatment applications, as well as the invaluable information that the body reveals through the lens of the cup. As an adjunct therapy to chiropractic manipulations, medical protocols, and surgical recovery, MediCupping™ therapy accelerates patient progress.

Athletes are benefitting from the ease of recovery from injury or surgery and experience an increase in athletic performance with the integration of vacuum therapy. Patients who have undergone surgery are benefiting from the integration of this therapy, too. Vacuum therapies can be used prior to having surgery to drain and clear lymphatic pathways, decongest the tissues and release any soft tissue restrictions to allow better movement of muscles and fascia or flow of blood and lymph. Post-surgical care includes the same approach, and aids in potential scar work to diminish appearance and adhesions, along with the release of inflammation, adhesions in the tissue of the organs, and soft tissue issues that may have resulted from surgical positioning.

One of the most amazing aspects of this technique is the “separation” that the vacuum produces in tissue layers. This allows water absorption and renewed blood flow to undernourished and dehydrated tissue as well as the elimination of old waste and congestion.


As of August 1st, 2021, we are happy to announce we are offering the integration of this modality into our massage services menu! We have undergone the training required to be able to offer such a magical treatment to our clients and are excited to share it with you. We’ve included some of our favorite benefits of this machine below:


    • To my clients who LOVE deep work, MediCupping™ mimics the effects of deep tissue massage without leaving you feeling sore. Deep tissue massage involves manipulating deeper layers of soft tissue to relieve the body of adhesions and stored pain from overuse. It also requires the therapist to push into the body, which can cause soreness or tenderness.

    • MediCupping™ uses suction to pull the tissue away from where the adhesions are and releases them gently. It can be 3 to 5 times more effective than traditional deep tissue massage. It releases tight, contracted muscle tissue, can loosen adhered scar tissue, and assist in mobilizing joints to reduce pain and inflammation.

    • If you enjoy deep tissue work, the integration of vacuum therapy with your typical massage session helps to effectively remove those knots more quickly.

    • This machine allows me to provide similar relief experienced by Myofascial Release. Cupping creates Myofascial Decompression (MFD), a negative pressure technique used to manipulate the soft tissue under the skin. With steady, prolonged holding and gliding, this vacuum therapy creates space in areas of compression that loosens restriction and creates more mobility.

    • If you do not enjoy deep pressure, but need deeper work because you feel pain and stiffness at a deeper level, integrating vacuum therapy with your massage feels relaxing while still accomplishing the work that is needed.


    • If you are interested in trying a more holistic approach to restoring collagen, contouring the face, and restoring youthfulness and radiance, cupping could be something to consider. Cupping has been used for centuries to detoxify, clear, and smooth the skin’s surface.

    • MediCupping™ can help relax and tone facial muscles, promote collagen production, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and restore circulation. The gentle rhythmic suction helps move lymph fluid build-up out of the face to reduce puffiness and congestion that makes the skin look dull or dehydrated.

    • Add-on a Radiant Face Treatment to your session or to really see and feel a difference long-term, we recommend treating yourself to our Facial Rejuvenation Series, which consists of committing to 4 weeks of 4 treatments plus you get a free home-care gift so you can do work on yourself at home!


    • If you suffer from tension headaches, migraines, sinus complications, or feel brain fog frequently, MediCupping™ could be your jam. Some clients report feeling a huge decrease in their frequency of headaches or report feeling less pressure overall.

    • Some headaches are caused by muscle tension, some are caused by congestion or allergies, some are due to dehydration, or even from the strain of focusing on a screen for 5+ hours. By using the gentle suction of cupping, it can help restore the flow of lymph fluid, blood circulation, and relieve muscle tension by creating space for things to flow out versus feeling the pressure of things trapped in the head.

    • Add on a Radiant Face Focus to your session to help the headspace clear out congestion, mucus, lymph fluid build-up, and tension.

    • If you are prone to these types of head pressures, congestion, or allergies, you can schedule a series of Facial Rejuvenation treatments around the time of seasonal changes to help relieve you of some of the pain and inflammation. The number of sessions can vary depending on the intensity of your pressure and congestion.


    • I can hear some of your ladies jumping for joy at this! Did you know women tend to show cellulite more than men because we have thinner skin? About 90% of women develop visible cellulite (so you know you’re not alone). Men have cellulite, too! Women just struggle with hiding it as well as men can.

    • Cellulite is caused by the relationship between your skin, connective tissues, and (normal) fat cells. The structure of your overlying skin and the underlying connective tissues determine whether the surface area of skin will be smooth or have a rippling appearance. Below the surface of the skin, we all have fat cells that store energy for us. These cells are inside compartments that connect to your muscles. As the cells grow, the compartments get crowded which causes the appearance of cellulite. Although the appearance of cellulite tends to worsen as you gain weight, fat itself is not the primary cause. The basic causes (that are outside of your control) are skin conditions, genetics, hormones, and age. Excessive fluid buildup within the lymphatic system (toxins) also plays a role in the appearance of this puffiness.

    • Bloating is a form of swelling under the skin due to digestion or hormone changes. Oftentimes, it is because there is an accumulation of debris or fluid causing a blockage.

    • Using light suction, the cups help drain the excess lymphatic fluid trapped in the area, while a heavier application stimulates circulation and helps to loosen these sticky spots or blockages.

    • You can try the Add-on Target Area Cupping Therapy if you have a few of these pockets on the body you wish to try relieving or schedule yourself a single Cupping Therapy treatment. If you are prone to these conditions or want to really experience lasting relief, we recommend a series of treatments (1-2 times per week for 4-6 weeks, depending).


    • As we age, our metabolism weakens. This is because our circulatory system weakens, which interferes with the movement of blood. Stagnating blood reduces the delivery of fresh blood to cells, tissues, and organs and over time causes them to become metabolically less efficient.

    • If you have a little extra spot on your body where you store your cookies (or where gravity has so kindly tugged down on), vacuum therapy can help to release the stagnant blood and fluid, break up blockages, and melt away stubborn fat so the fluids that are stuck can be moved away to create space for circulation to happen.

    • Studies have shown that cupping helps restore metabolic functioning in the body by removing stagnation in the blood and lymphatic fluid. Cupping therapy loosens up connective tissue and opens up capillaries, which helps to allow newly oxygenated blood back into the area of application. This helps your cells grow, repair, and in the process, accelerate your metabolism. At the same time, this process also flushes out the stagnation through the lymphatic system, carrying waste, toxins, and ruptured fat cells out with it. After a cupping treatment, people who experience uncontrollable cravings may find their appetite is reduced and can quite literally feel the fat melt away as the suction helps to warm and liquify.

    • If you are a bodybuilder, this type of treatment is beneficial to help you slim down just a touch more, too since it helps move water retention and fluid build-up out of the body.

    • Add-on a Target Area Cupping Therapy if you have a spot on your body you wish to try relieving or schedule yourself a single Full-body Cupping Therapy treatment. To experience lasting results, we recommend a series of treatments (1-2 times per week for 4-6 weeks, depending).


    • If you read our blog post about lymphatic drainage, then you know how the lymphatic system assists the circulatory system in removing toxin buildup out of the body. As toxins accumulate and store in the body, our immunity weakens and our body struggles to function properly over time because of all of the accumulated debris.

    • MediCupping™ therapy helps open up lymphatic nodes and pathways in the circulatory system so that we can move these toxins out faster. Thus detoxing the body and boosting the immune system. Who doesn’t want to feel better?!

    • After a single Cupping Therapy treatment, you can feel the difference as your body will suggest you use the restroom more frequently (a.k.a the body’s way of flushing things out.) You will also want to drink a ton of water to assist in the detoxification process.


    • What makes cupping so special is that it can affect tissues up to four inches beneath the skin. This makes it one of the best deeper tissue therapies since it can remove visceral fat situated around your internal organs.

    • Cupping restores the body’s digestive functions, leading to visible improvements in bowel movements, indigestion, heartburn, and bloating. (Read more above in the Weight Loss + Body Contouring section).


    • If you have had any surgeries that left you with scaring that bothers you or restricts movement for you, MediCupping™ therapy could be super beneficial! Since this type of therapy helps to break up adhesions gently and circulate old blood and fresh blood in the body, healing can take place in these old wound spaces.

    • We recommend a series of treatments to assist in this type of relief since scars run deep and require gentle attention to alleviate. The number of sessions can vary depending on the scar tissue.


  • Deep Tissue Massage Lovers.

  • Anyone interested in a ‘super’ lymphatic drainage experience.

  • Athletes or anyone training for an athletic event.

  • Bodybuilders + Fitness Competitors looking to move out any extra water weight to tone down.

  • Anyone wanting to boost their immune system.

  • If you have undergone surgery recently.

  • Anyone with scar tissue build-up or loss in range of motion.

  • Anyone wanting to restore youthfulness + radiance and fight signs of aging.

  • Anyone who has a love/hate relationship with their cellulite situation.

  • Anyone feeling brain fog, sinus pressure, prone to allergies, or headaches.

  • Anyone needing help with digestion or organ function.

  • Anyone prone to swelling, puffiness, or dehydration.


If you are prone to emeda, skin ulcers, or have any other skin condition, it is best to consult with your dermatologist or physician first. If you are being treated for hemophilia, are prone to blood clotting, or have any other bleeding disorder, cupping may not be for you as you may be at risk for significant bruising. Please consult with your doctor before committing to a cupping therapy series or treatment.

Credit to Source: ACE MediCupping™


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